Overview Learn how you can apply for an auto loan with On The Road Lending.
On the Road Lending is a non-profit organization that provides vehicle selection assistance and long-term financial mentoring.
On the Road Sustainability Funds is a family of impact investment funds that provides affordable loans to clients of On the Road Lending. Investors include individuals, corporations, foundations and institutions that may earn an annual preferred return.
Together, On The Road Lending and On the Road Sustainability Funds provide financial advocacy and affordable loans to help low-income individuals improve their credit, avoid predatory lenders and purchase fuel-efficient, reliable cars.
Reliable transportation is critical. Job training means little if a person can’t get to the job. School choice means little if the school is far away. Healthier food options mean little if you can’t get to them. On the Road helps clients find a better car, to get to a better job and live a better life.